We understand that being able to securely dispose of your notes and files is important to you, and to all dispute resolution professionals. So ADR Notable allows you not only to securely delete your notes and files but also to customize when they get deleted. In this article, we will address the following questions...
Managing case permissions: Who can delete files and notes?
Navigate to the Case Security screen to determine who can delete files and notes from a case. You can find this screen via the Case Menu on the left or the Case Dashboard Security tab.
Permissions can be assigned on a case-by-case basis. By default, Firm Administrators and Users who have the role of Mediator will be able to determine who can delete case files and notes, i.e. the Manage Case Permissions box is checked by default. Users who have the roles of Restricted User or Case Manager will be able to set permissions only if they are given access by a Mediator or Firm Administrator.
To be able to dispose of Notes and Files from a case, a User must have both the Delete Notes box and the Manage Documents box checked.
How to securely delete files and notes
As with the Case Security screen, the Secure Delete screen can be accessed via the Case Menu or the Secure Delete tab in the Case Dashboard. When you want to delete the files and/or notes from a case, select the appropriate boxes and then the Secure Delete button. If you do not select a date, all notes from the Case Noteboard and all files in the Case Files folder and sub-folders will be deleted immediately. Files in the Retained Documents folder and sub-folders are not subject to the Secure Delete function.
We are serious about protecting your files, so please note that once you securely delete the files and notes from a case, they are permanently deleted and can not be recovered. If you think that there is a chance that a case will be revisited in the future, please read on to learn about scheduling the deletion for a future date or check out the Archive feature. |
Scheduling the secure deletion of your notes and files
You can schedule the deletion of your notes and/or files for a future date by selecting a date in the Date box. When you schedule the deletion of your notes, you will see that the Secure Delete button changes to Update. This provides you with the flexibility to change both the date and whether the files and/or notes get deleted on that date. Here, we are changing the date for deletion from December 31 to September 30 and also deleting the Files -- but not the Notes -- from the case:
Maintaining a record of the Case: what is not deleted
ADR Notable retains the following basic information about a case even after the notes and files have been securely deleted:
- The Case Name, ID, and Case Number (if any)
- The name(s) of the mediator(s)
- The names of the participants
- The date(s) of the session(s)
- The total amount of time spent on the case
- The outcome of the case (fully resolved, partially resolved, closed with no resolution)
In addition, the following Notes and Files are not subject to the Secure Delete function:
- Notes that were included in the Case Report Notes box of the Case Setup screen.
- Notes that were included in the Administrative Notes box of the Case Setup screen.
- Any Checklists that you used in the Case, including the Checklist notes.
- Files that were uploaded to the Retained Documents Folder and Sub-folders. If there are case documents you want to retain, you can do so by ensuring that they are in this folder before using Secure Delete.
- Also, please remember that any files that were transferred by email or uploaded and/or downloaded from your device to the cloud could remain, for example, in a "Downloads" folder on your laptop.
Secure Delete vs. Delete Note
You may recall that you have the option to delete a single note by selecting Delete Note from the Notecard menu:
You can also delete all the notes in a lane (i.e. column) on your Noteboard by selecting Delete All Notes from the Noteboard lane menu:
While this method of deleting your notes will remove them from your Noteboard, it is not the same as using the ADR Notable Secure Delete function. In fact, you can view them simply by checking the Deleted Notes box in the Noteboard View Options menu... |
If you are concerned about making sure that notes and files from a case remain confidential, your safer option is Secure Delete.
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